Legal Notice
Below you will find the contact details of the website owner:
Corporate name or business name: Ferber Enterprises Limited
Company number: 136516C
Director of the company: Abigail Louise Reeder
Company headquarters: 9-11 Duke Street, IM1 2BB, Douglas, Isle of Man
Legal form of the company: Private Company Limited by Shares
Company email address:
Name, name or company name and address of the website host: OVH SAS, 2 rue Kellermann, 59053 Roubaix, France
For the entity administering the website:
Corporate name or business name: Ferber Enterprises Madagascar S.A.R.L.U.
Company number: 2019B00038
Tax ID : 4003575715
Director of the company: Tolérance Hermann
Company headquarters: 1 rue de l'École Ménagère, 601, Tuléar, Madagascar
Legal form of the company: Single-Member Limited Liability Company
Company email address:
For the entity responsible for logistics:
Corporate name or business name: Ferber Enterprises Czechia s.r.o.
Company number: 09309195
VAT number : CZ09309195
Director of the company: Zdeněk Štembera
Company headquarters: Jirotova 375, Budova 35, 336 01, Blovice, Czech Republic
Legal form of the company: Limited Liability Company
Company email address: